Scott County School students take part in district, classroom, and state assessments. The TCAP Achievement Test for English language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies is taken by all students in grades 2 through 8. Students in the second grade take part in the state reading and math exams. Students at Scott High take part in EOC exams for the courses they are enrolled in.
Students who get assistance services take additional exams that are mandated by the state. The state WIDA Access Assessment in Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking is used to evaluate students who receive English language help in grades K–8. ELL students in grades 2 through 8 also take the TCAP exam. To accommodate their requirements, students who are eligible for the alternate exam take the TCAP ALT exam in grades 2 through 8 instead of the standard TCAP.
At the district level, all students in grades K-8 participate in the MAP reading and mathematics adaptive diagnostic assessment three times a year. Parents will receive parent reports of their child's MAP assessment results. This assessment identifies student instructional levels by skill (phonics, phonological awareness, vocabulary, high-frequency words, vocabulary, comprehension, numbers and operations, algebra, geometry, and data). This information is used to differentiate instruction at the classroom level for individualized instruction. Students that are identified as below grade level in reading or math are given Easy CBM assessments and survey level assessments to identify the appropriate interventions needed to support their learning. At the classroom level, teachers use a variety of methods to assess student learning.