If You Are Having Technical Issues, You May Request Help By:
sending an email to [email protected] from your school email account.
logging into the support.scottcounty.net workorder system (using your webmail login)
contacting the Technology Offices by calling: 423.663.8486 (or dialing extension 8486 from a district phone)
- stopping us while walking down the hall. If we have time, we'll be glad to help you. If not, we may ask you to submit a workorder. This guarantees your request will be recorded in the workorder system and will not be forgotten.
Please only submit your request using the methods listed above. Emails sent to individual Technology staff or calls placed to individual phones will cause delays in getting your issue resolved. Different members of the Technology Department are in the schools every day, and we typically visit every school at least once per week. If one of our technicians are in your school working on your neighbor's teacher station (without your knowledge), and you send an email to Tom asking for help, then it's possible your issue will not be looked at until the next week.
Areas & Items That We Support
The Technology Department handles diagnostics & repair for a number of various electronic devices throughout the district. While this list may not include everything, it will give you a sense of the areas where we can help:
District owned personal computers & other computing devices, Network Connectivity (Wired & Wireless), Email, Student Management, Telephones, Intercoms, TV's, VCR's, DVD's, Cable TV, Security & Surveillance Systems, Projectors, Electronic Whiteboards, Printers, Classroom moves / relocations that involve district technology, etc.