
Title V, Part B

Title V, Part B – Rural Education Initiative

What It Is...

The Rural Education Initiative (REI) is designed to assist rural local educational agencies (LEAs) in using federal resources more effectively to improve the quality of instruction and student academic achievement. REI (also referred to as REAP - Rural Education and Achievement Program) consists of two separate programs: The Small, Rural School Achievement (SRSA) program and the Rural and Low-Income Schools (RLIS) program.

What It Can Fund...

LEAs that receive RLIS grants may use the funds to carry out the following types of activities:

  • Title I, Part A: Improving Basic Programs Operated by LEAs
    • e.g.: School-based instructional coaches.
  • Title II, Part A: Supporting Effective Instruction
    • e.g.: Training on how to use data and assessments to improve classroom practice and student learning.
  • Title III, Part A: Language Instruction for English Learners and Immigrant Students
    • e.g.: Four Chromebooks for small group work within the ESL class.
  • Title IV, Part A: Student Support and Academic Enrichment
    • e.g.: The LEA uses funds for a part-time school resource officer for one school.
  • Parental and family engagement activities