
District Directory

Director of Schools
Billy M. Hall

208 Court Street / P.O. Box 37
Huntsville, TN 37756
Phone: 423-663-2159 Fax: 423-663-9682


Central Office Supervisors

Assessment:  Linda Keeton   

Phone: 423-663-2159  ext. 8030   Fax:  423-663-9682


Attendance: Vince Owens

Phone: 423-663-2159  ext. 8029   Fax:  423-663-9682


AWARE:  Maria Bruce

Phone: 423-663-2159  ext. 8036   Fax:  423-663-9682


Career & Technology Education:  Keith Shannon

Phone: 423-663-2159  ext. 8024   Fax:  423-663-9682


Coordinated School Health: Brent Shoemaker

Phone: 423-663-2159  ext. 8032   Fax:  423-663-9682


Curriculum & Instruction:  Linda Keeton

Phone: 423-663-2159  ext. 8030   Fax:  423-663-9682


District Math Coach K-5:  Melissa Roberts

Phone: 423-663-2159    Fax:   423-663-9682


District Math Coach 6-12 / Technology Trainer:  Tony Duncan

Phone: 423-663-8486  ext. 8049   Fax:  423-663-8867


District Reading Coach K-5:  Dr. Amy Jeffers

Phone: 423-663-2159    Fax:   423-663-9682


Family Resource:  Dr. Terri Keeton

Phone: 423-663-2159  ext. 8045   Fax:  423-663-9682


Federal Programs:  Dr. Amanda Stevens

Phone: 423-663-2159  ext. 8047   Fax:  423-663-9682


Finance Department:  Ginger Reynolds

Phone: 423-663-3460     Fax:   423-663-3552


Food Services:  Paulette King

Phone: 423-663-2159  ext. 8037   Fax:  423-663-8861


Maintenance:  Keith Shannon

Phone: 423-663-2159  ext. 8024   Fax:  423-663-9682


Museum of Scott County:  Chad Patton

Phone: 423-663-2801  ext. 5051   Fax:  423-663-2368


Nurses / 504:  Rosemary Jeffers

Phone: 423-663-2159  ext. 8033   Fax:  423-663-9682


Response to Intervention (RTI):  Dr. Sindi Jeffers

Phone: 423-663-3700  ext. 2108   Fax:  423-663-4447


Special Education:  Debby Sexton

Phone: 423-663-2159  ext. 8031   Fax:  423-663-9682


Technology: Greg Bond

Phone: 423-663-8486   ext. 8042   Fax:  423-663-8867


Tennessee All CORPS: Tonja Bond

Phone: 423-663-8486   ext. 8048   Fax:  423-663-8867


Transportation:  George Boles

Phone: 423-663-2212     Fax:   423-663-3137


Voluntary Pre-K:  Linda Keeton   

Phone: 423-663-2159  ext. 8030   Fax:  423-663-9682


Central Office Support Staff

Administrative Asst. to the Director:  Joy Silcox

Phone: 423-663-2159  ext. 8021  Fax:   423-663-9682


Benefits & Insurance and Administrative Asst.: Tracy Lowe

Phone: 423-663-2159  ext. 8027  Fax:   423-663-9682


Federal Programs, Administrative Asst.:  Misty Day

Phone: 423-663-2159  ext. 8025  Fax:   423-663-9682


Food Service, Administrative Asst. / Liaison:  Melody Chambers

Phone: 423-663-2159  ext. 8039  Fax:   423-663-8861


Food Service, Field Service Supervisor: Stephanie Day

Phone: 423-663-2159  ext. 8038  Fax:   423-663-8861


Special Education, Administrative Asst.: Mary King

Phone: 423-663-2159  ext. 8035  Fax:   423-663-9682


Maintenance, Field Supervisor: Greg Claiborne

Phone: 423-663-9987   Fax:   423-663-9987