ESL Program: English As A Second Language
Student Identification and Service Delivery
Students are identified at the local area schools through review of the home language surveys. Once students are referred, Kindergarten is assessed using the W-APT screener and 1st - 12th grade are accessed using the WIDA online screener. This test determines qualifications in the ESL Program in Scott County Schools.
Scott County Schools English as a Second Language Program offers services in the form of a pull-out program as approved by the state of Tennessee. Services include direct pull out service, collaboration with the classroom teacher, and resource support and sharing. Services are provided to the student based on student’s test/language level, literacy needs, and teacher recommendations.
Parent Resources
Parent conferences are held for parents one time each semester. At these conferences, parents can meet with regular classroom teachers/ESL teacher.
Benchmark testing results are sent home to parents at least 3 times each year. Report cards are sent home to parents each 9 weeks. Progress reports are sent home every 4.5 weeks. Results of the WIDA testing are sent to parents.
Parents have computer and e-mail access to district, school, and teacher websites.
Interpreters and translated documents are available when needed.
If you have any further questions or concerns please contact Amanda Stevens, Federal Programs Director at [email protected] or Kathy Obrusanszki, ELL Coordinator at [email protected].